Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Not out of the woods yet!

Just spoke to my mom.

The critical care Dr. has been coming in to give my sister updates and they are waiting for another one shortly.

After talking to my mom, Cary's accumulating alot of liquid and his body is not dispelling it. The concern is that should liquid accumulate in his lungs, Cary could develop pneumonia! We do NOT want this to happen! He's back on a ventilator to ease the stress on his lungs.

There's another situation that i'm not at liberty to discuss. Just pray that Amanda can obtain all the information she needs without interruption so that she can make sound, educated decisions regarding Cary's care.

Pray for peace of mind and clarity in thought as she makes crucial and critical decisions along with the Dr. Pray; that the right things be said at the right time: for all parties involved to remain calm; and, for an atmosphere of peace. 

Father, we thank you that You are in control! We praise You for who You are for all You have done and what You are going to do in this situation. We thank You that Cary' knows You and trust You as so does Amanda. We pray for peace and for comfort. We pray for the condition of Cary's body knowing You are more than able to bring healing and hear the cries of Your children. Regardless of what You choose to do Lord, we will praise You, Honor You, and love You!


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