Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Update #13

Spoke with my mom:

Manda is with Cary and will remain with him until 3pm. I believe he's back in ICU where he will remain for the next 5 days. He is also on a ventilator and the concern is now pneumonia and infection. He's currently sedated but once the medication wear off, he will be able to hear amanda. He's still in critical condition and will be monitored very closely for the next few days.

We're working on a way for all of you who have been praying to send your thoughts and messages to Cary and Amanda without inundating Amanda with emails, txt, etc. I know she wants all of you to know what's going on and loves you all dearly! She's much appreciative of your concern and the thoughts and prayers you have offered on behalf of Cary, herself, and her little ones!

We think it might be helpful to get her your thoughts and messages in print so that she can read them to Cary! They've encouraged her to tak to him since he can hear her. Once we figure out the best way to accomplish this, we'll post instructions here! If you have any ideas on how we can do his, please let us know!



  1. Cary and Amanda are constantly in my prayers.

  2. Dear,
    If there is any way that you can get a message to our dear sister Lois, please tell her that Rick and I (the Garcias)are devoting ourselves to prayer on behalf of our dear brother Cary (her beloved son) and that we are holding them tight in our arms and hearts during these difficult times. Please our love to Amanda and the kids too.

  3. Very glad things are looking better. If you decide to compile some things in an email, I'll be happy to add something! I've been leaving Amanda private messages on her pleonast from time to time, thinking she could check it from her phone.
